

" The objective of this webpage is Show one little part of wildlife and wilderness

Talk about Nature Conservation
Adventure Sports
Climate Changes

and Nômade life "

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quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Epica and WWF for Conservation of Nature

This is the time
We waited too long
And I'm wondering
Where I belong
We have lost
We're out of control
When we fail nature speaks to us all

This is the time
I'll tell you why
The world's left alone
Now's the time
to make right what's wrong

We have lost
We're out of control
If we're straight can we hear nature's call
When we fail nature speaks to us all

This is the time
So what's the world to be
Just a luxury
A temporary sing?
But what have we got
When is gone away?
We need to come to see
What the Earth should be: a santuary free
A renewed paradise still alive

This is the time
The sky and the sea
We speak the paragons
We planted to seed

We have lost
We're out of control
If we're straight can we hear nature's call
When we fail nature speaks to us all

This is the time
So what's the world to be
Just a luxury
A temporary sing?
But what have we got
When is gone away?
We need to come to see
What the Earth should be: a santuary free
All that we sacrified
In the end has it's price
A renewed paradise still alive
In your eyes

This is the time
So what's the world to be
Just a luxury
A temporary sing?
But what have we got
When is gone away?
We need to come to see
What the Earth should be: a santuary free
All that we sacrified
In the end has it's price
A renewed paradise still alive
In your eyes

Still alive in your eyes

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

Report use of Pilgrim

       The Pilgrim was presented to me two months before leaving for the Himalayas in 2007 ...
South Face of Aconcagua (the face where othon, Leonardo and Mozart Catão died)

    She accompanied me in the last four years, continuously and strictly complied with all standards of the practical tests which was submitted, was left with both visual and in the comfort and strength!

        Just to protect my ankle more than once every twist, so I am grateful to the staff of the Nomad Manufacturing and development of leather treeking most efficient I have ever used in a lifetime! Show  ball and comfort  ....

        Here are some numbers to use:

             890 km of mountainous land traversed (Granite, Basalt, Sandstone, Snow, Gravel, etc ...)
             560 km traveled civilized ground (asphalt, sidewalk, lawns, etc.)

             1080 Days of use

              14 States / Provinces Visited

              Five countries on three continents

              123 Kg / CMC (maximum load) submitted by 200km calendar

              5300 m.s.n.m. Maximum altitude of Pilgrim in use

         Kathmandu Expeditions - Aconcagua and Kala Pathar

       Fact is that Pilgrim also pass all the tests proposed and resist my addiction through the mountains all these years, has proved extremely versatile in many types of terrain, including climbing chimneys and artificial, sturdy and comfortable, protected from several twists with over load, due to good design and construction of the leather, besides being beautiful, it also has at the time you get a boot hill. This experience is growing every day in the development of technical mountain footwear, trying to satisfy every type of customer who seeks the most varied types of terrain for your adventures. 

       Congratulations to all staff working for the manufacture of the best mountain boots in Latin America

                                                                                                Life style ...         

terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

Stone Sentinel

       The Andes is the more extensive Range of the planet and also one of the highest, second in Altitude, lost only for the Himalaya and Karakoram mountain range in Asia where there are mountains that exceed 7000 meters above sea level.

       The Sentinel Rock (translation of the indigenous name for Aconcagua) and Top of the Americas, also the highest mountain outside the Himalayas and Karakorum with 6962 m.s.n.m. is one of the most coveted Seven Summits each of which is the highest on each continent on the planet, challenge for hundreds of climbers in the season that lasts from November to February.
       Your Beauty reside in the peculiar characteristics of their size, geology, biodiversity and local culture, which has a population extremely receptive and friendly, which makes the activities in the mountains a unique experience.
       Climbing these mountains is a unique and enjoyable learning and self-knowledge.

       It feels good to the eyes and lungs, these are just two of the many advantages of climbing any mountain in the Andes. The Learning about yourself and your physiology is very rewarding, beyond learning about the climate, environment and living in high mountain.
       Activities may be the most diverse fields in Base ... here in 4400 msnm Mules

       Riding camps, acclimation, food, clothing, equipment, everything is learning ...
        Living moments and realize dreams is something that every human being should give themselves the luxury, and the Andes is one of the most spectacular places to practice this ...
       Self sufficiency is a word that clearly defines activities Nomads, the ability to survive in different environments, knowing how to use the resources present in each of them without causing damage the environment while maintaining the capacity for regeneration of the area allowing the passage by the same area in a future period is a common feature of this way of life ...
      Knowing that the long road we have to travel is not to reach the ridge of a distant mountain only, but the way of life, knowing where we want to reach and what the best route makes us a better men, this is part of the process .. . the stones in the way make us best  polishing us every time,  for being harder than us ...
       When everything seems more adverse witness the open sky over you in a storm, the sun warm your face while everything around is cold and sightless, makes you reflect on how important it is to beat the challenge imposed by yourself, feel-winner if no rivals ... the task is not easy, on the contrary it is as arduous as rewarding, perhaps only those that come off to do things like being in a high ridge somewhere in the continent understand the dimension of a sense of freedom and happiness so complete.
       How inspiring would say our fellow mountain Nelson Alves Penteado, "It is important to observe well the mountains, because it's of your high summits they also observe us. "

        And when he finally left that place very special back, the sun warms your back and you know it's just that you need ...

The Nutrimental,
Bau construction company and Norconsil ,
The Copava
The Nomad Boots, for being our feet and legs in most diverse adventures ...
These companies who believe and support the sport as a philosophy of life and social betterment ...
Thank's For ALL

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011


At what point can reach the Human Being
and it will prove superior?
Is time to put ourselves in place of the other...
We not like to be in the same position of these living beings.

terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011

CALL of Civil Defense in Paraná, Brazil (State of emergency because of rain)

E-mail message sent to climbers of our state.
Morretes and other parts of the coast in a state of emergency.
Who has availability to help, contact the nearest civil defense and volunteering.
Municipal Civil Defense Coordinator of Morretes.

Here a little part of many other pictures of this work ...

                                Loading a civilian car to help
                               (the main materials focused on food, hygiene supplies, blankets and cleaning)

                                Supplying drinking water to help families

Thousands of gallons of drinking water, nonperishable food, clothing and hygiene supplies were delivered into the hands of citizens affected by the floods that devastated the coastal region.
The large quantity of rainfall that has reached Brazil in the last few months and being scared by their concentration in areas that channeling the Amazon or the trade winds that receive direct maritime influence.

Certainly global warming has much connection with the increase of evaporation rate on the planet, rise into account the wind currents and high humidity of the Amazon, favored certain regions to receive more rain than others because to their position and / or geography site.

                                Homes destroyed due to landslides ...

                                Homeless families

The state government, Fire Brigade and Civil mobilized entities and brigade groups to bring food, clothes, blankets, water and cleaning supplies and hygiene areas of difficult access.

                                All work of help has been done voluntarily ...

Some days when many people have worked with a smile on his lips for being part of a current solidarity that moved the entire mountain community of beyond civilians from many sectors.
       Anyway the people over there feel embraced, maintained somehow beloved by both the government as by the fire department and also for the Mountaineers that pass by them so many times, sometimes even buy a banana pastel in the way to the mountains of our beautiful state.

                                Friends working together...

                               As a gift we were blessed by nature with a breathtaking moon, after 20 years the Moon is more closely of the planet, we are very happy to see this in the end of the work ...

Our most sincere thanks to

Fire Department
Fire Brigade Mountain
Civilian volunteers
the State Government
Viamay services
Rodoway Transports
Botas Nomade
Supermarket Agricer
Nino Breads
Curitiba Transports
To all who have dedicated themselves together and reached the objective to return the normality in the coastal region affected by the greatest flood of the last 20 years, if not of all time.