Nature presents us with your presence
First day the storm comes
Entry of RPPN Sebuí
Waterfall in SEBUÍ RPPN
Come the third storm
Storm in Guaraqueçaba, Without Electricity
Heavenly mountain
Show of Nature
The Castaway with transport
Flight of the Heron
Sunrise of a fisherman
Last day, crossing to the Port of Paranaguá
Crossing the boundaries between state of São Paulo and Paraná in litoral of Brazil, is a very beautiful and rich experience of living in nature. Having direct contact with some of the areas most important ecological corridor of the Atlantic Forest, World Heritage Site recognized by UNESCO, represents one of the last intact remnant, the Environmental Protection Area (EPA) houses the most beautiful varieties of Animals Among them: Amozona brasilliensis, Egretta thula, Speotyto cunicularia, Larus dominicanus, Endocimus ruber, Platalea ajaja, Ocypode Albycans, Uca sp., Tetraodon sp., Tupinambis eguixim; Among others.
All animals reported here were seen with the naked eye, most very close.
All pictures in this article by Willson S. and Zeca.
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